Use household electrical equipment safely

The safety of household electrical appliances is always a matter of concern, especially electric appliances that generate high heat such as: irons, electric cookers, ovens, electric hot pot … Household electrical appliances that are likely to cause leakage or explosion in electricity are irons, electric cookers, electric ovens, rice cookers, electric kettles, thermos flasks, water heaters … The general principle of operation of These devices all use the incinerator (resistor) to heat directly or indirectly, so the risk of electricity leakage is very

The safety of household electrical appliances is always a matter of concern, especially electric appliances that generate high heat such as iron, electric stove, oven, electric hot pot …

The types of household electrical appliances that are likely to cause leakage, explosion in electricity are irons, electric cookers, electric ovens, rice cookers, electric kettles, thermos flasks, water heaters … In general, all of these devices use the heating wire (resistors) to heat directly or indirectly, so the risk of electricity leakage is very high if the manufacturer uses poor quality materials or does not assemble. technically correct.

The conductor uses plastic sheaths of poor quality, improperly technical, easily brittle, cracked or melted. Unsatisfactory electrical conductors lead to overload causing heat, melting, or contacting the circuit. Incinerators using poor quality materials, improperly assembled, will touch the wall, or the heat plate will cause electric shock. Due to its use in high-temperature environments, components that are susceptible to aging and rust can also lead to electric shock. In addition, improper use and storage also make electrical equipment less safe.

All kinds of electric stoves, electric hot pots, ovens, and microwaves are all made of metal. If electricity is leaked, it will affect users quickly. In addition, currently on the market there are many types of super-fast water cookers, it only takes about 3 minutes of water to boil. Because this type of battery has a large capacity of up to 2,000W, if the outlet or wire is not of good quality, it will easily cause electric shock.

It is necessary to check the electrical wires regularly, to see if they are able to withstand the load. You can use the electric tester to check electrical equipment for electrical leaks, if you need to bring electrical equipment to an electrician to check with an electric meter to fix it. Absolutely not use if the device shows signs of electrical leakage.

When using, do not contact directly with appliances, pots, and cookers (insulation sheets should be lined). When cooking and cooking is finished, turn off the power supply. When going out, turn off all electrical equipment to avoid any risks.

Some other precautions are that electrical panels require fuses, automatic switches to disconnect power in case of electrical contact, use a properly grounded 3-pin plug, or plug in, or anti-leakage, anti-shock parts.